Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Shaken Baby Syndrome Family Spotlight | Kylie Brantley - Survivor of Shaken Baby Syndrome | Shaken Baby Syndrome

Today we share with you the story of Kylie Brantley, a beautiful little girl surviving the daily affects of Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

Kylie was born a perfect little girl June 24, 2004.  Coming into a world of love to her mother and father, Kylie's much awaited arrival could not come soon enough for the doting parents.  On October 26, 2004, sadly just four months after she came into this world, Kylie became a victim of an extremely preventable crime.   Her maternal uncle plead guilty to felony injury of a child in April of 2006.  He received 10 years probation and 30 days in jail.  Shattering their hearts for a lifetime, they were expected, like all the families with survivors of Shaken Baby Syndrome, to "move in" and "learn to live" again...  This task is not always what one might think.. 

Since her injury, they can no longer simply go to any sort of establishment without serious preparations.  Kylie requires advance discussion about any change to her routine.  They can not simply go to the movies as she can not see them.  They can not simply go to dinner as a family as loud places and large crowds over stimulate her and cause meltdowns.  Caleb cannot simply go to the grocery store with her as her meltdowns draw attention and can sometimes get them asked to leave.  It is not so simple to do anything for, or with her.

Caleb Brantley, Kylie's father has one dream for Kylie.   To help her achieve a full education.  For her to become as strong as possible both physically and mentally.  As she has gotten older and become aware of the difference between her and her peers, she has asked why and how it happened.  Caleb's dream is for her to fully understand the nature of those differences and thrive regardless of them.

Life will never be as it once was.. especially when it comes to trusting others with Kylie.  Caleb will never again trust someone to watch his children without a very serious talk about what his expectations are.  It does not matter if they are family or not. Caleb explains what happened in full detail.  Caleb only leaves his children with his mother and step mother.  

Caleb is still learning to maintain and cope with what happened to Kylie.  It catches him off guard sometimes as something her sister does or says reminds him of the fact that Kylie did not or can not do it still.  There are many things that he feel were taken from her and as he discovers new challenges for her he is often sent right back to the place he was mentally and emotionally when she was injured.

Kylie's future will not be determined by the prognosis of her doctors.  Caleb has learned that her will and determination outweigh her brain injury and that strength can be gained from watching a hero so young.

Although Kylie's mother and Caleb are no longer together, Caleb feels they have been very fortunate to find a great early childhood development program that was able to help as well as being in a position to be very involved in all therapy appointments in order to learn what to do and how to do it to insure Kylie had every opportunity to grow and develop.  Occupational, Physical, Vision, and speech therapies were very frequent.  They also moved to an area where a lot of them were also available through a local college in aquatic form, working with Kylie constantly.

The bravery Caleb has shown to all of us in the community of families of Shaken Baby Syndrome, is that no matter what may be, and no matter what prognosis, there is always hope, and there are always miracles.  Kylie is just that, a miracle.

Thank you so much Caleb for sharing the story of your beautiful Kylie with us.  Your love far outweighs any mountains you have climbed, and know you are in our thoughts daily.

From all of us at,
The Keane Law Firm 

If you have any questions or concerns about what can be done to help babies who have been shaken, or families of babies who have died, please call Christopher Keane and The Keane Law Firm toll-free for free consultation at (888) 592-5437 (KIDS), click on contact us here, or use the web form provided at